batford springs volunteers - AGM 2023
Notice is hereby given of the 16th Annual General Meeting of the Batford Springs Volunteers. This will be held at the HQ Building in Lower Luton Road on Tuesday 25th April 2022, from 7.45pm.
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the 15th AGM held on 26th April 2022 and matters arising.
- Chairman’s report
- Treasurer’s report.
- Election of Officers and Committee.
- Harpenden Town Council update by Alex Melson (HTC Greenspaces Development Officer)
- Questions
- Any other business.
Following the AGM there will be a Presentation about the Habitats of Batford Springs and their Importance both Locally and Nationally by Tim Hill, Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust Conservation Manager
- Date 25/04/2023
- Time 19:45 to 21:45
- Duration 1 Day