Harpenden in Bloom

Harpenden in Bloom is a Town Council community led initiative designed to enhance the appearance of the Town Centre, Southdown and Batford, promote a sense of ownership of the Town by the local community and improve the quality of life for all.

The Harpenden in Bloom Annual Forum arranges a number of events throughout the year to encourage participation from members of the public of all ages planting days and the opportunity for local businesses to promote themselves via the sponsorship of flowerbeds.  Groups such as the Brownies all help out along with the Town Council's contractors to ensure that the Town shows off the best floral displays possible.

If you are interested in becoming involved in the Harpenden in Bloom initiative, please contact us.

2024/25 Sponsorship Information

Harpenden in Bloom is an incredibly popular year-round community initiative which aims to enhance the beauty of Harpenden. There are two Harpenden in Bloom planting days -- usually in May and October -- when seasonal flowers and shrubs are arranged in over 25 flowerbeds throughout Harpenden.

Your Sponsorship Includes:

  • Sign (210mm x 150mm) in front of bed displaying sponsorship name & logo
  • Sponsorship of bed from June until May
  • Twice yearly planting of flowers & shrubs
  • Year-round watering and maintenance of flowerbed
  • Recognition on the Town Council’s website and social media channels (Facebook, Twitter)

Cost (Prices exclusive of VAT):

  • Flowerbed up to 10m: £160 per annum
  • Flowerbed between 10m-30m: £255 per annum
  • Flowerbed 30m+: £600 per annum
  • Sir John Bennett Lawes Fountain: £600 per annum

How to Sponsor

If you are interested in sponsoring, or would like to continue with your existing flowerbed sponsorship, please get in touch with one of our Officers at the Town Council by emailing harpenden.town.council@harpenden.gov.uk or calling 01582 768278.

You can read more information about Sponsorship here.

How to get involved with Harpenden in Bloom

There are a number of ways that you can get involved with Harpenden in Bloom. You don't have to have much gardening experience: just plenty of enthusiasm!


There are a number of flower beds throughout the Town Centre available for sponsorship on an annual basis. Sponsorship of the Bull Road Roundabout is organised through a tender process.

Planting days

The Brownies have two planting days per year, usually in May and October, to plant seasonal flowers in their own flowerbed on Leyton Green which contains commemorative plaques and roses dedicated to previous Brownie and Guide leaders.

Other ways to get involved

We also have opportunities for businesses and members of the public to volunteer on individual project days or more regularly as part of our fantastic team of green spaces volunteers. Additionally, if you are a keen photographer, could you assist us with photographing the flowerbeds and hanging baskets throughout the Town?

Harpenden in Bloom Primary Featured Image Harpenden in Bloom Secondary Featured Image


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