Roundwood green space

Roundwood Green Space is tucked away behind Roundwood Lane and next to Harpenden Rise allotments. It offers a play area, sloping grass picnic area with benches and two raised beds, wildlife hedgerows and mature trees along the park boundaries.

Following the Town Council’s acquisition of Roundwood green space in 2022, the play area required considerable renovation as the previous equipment was tired and outdated. Designers focused on exciting and diverse play equipment suitable for children of 6 months – 12 years old, accessibility with improved pathways and increased picnic and bench seating areas (including a bench outside the playground boundary for dog walkers).

We are consulting residents on a draft Management Plan which can be read by clicking on the link below. This plan provides management objectives to encourage the sustainable use of the play area and improve the local environment for both people and wildlife.

You can read the Roundwood Green Space Management Plan here.

Harpenden Town Council is keen to receive comments from residents regarding the Management Plan. Please contact Tim Austin-Lomas:

Tel: 01582 463667 / Email:


Read more about Harpenden Town Council's aquisition of four new open spaces, including Roundwood Green Space here:


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