Press Releases

Harpenden Town Council's press releases are available to view below.

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25/03/2025 10:59
Honorary Townsman Albert Pawle

It was with great sadness that the Town Council learned of the passing of Honorary Townsman and Past Town Mayor, Albert (Bert) Pawle on 16 March 2025.

19/03/2025 08:23
Notice of Casual Vacancy

We can confirm that Jamie Burrows (Harpenden South ward) resigned from his role as a Town Councillor on Tuesday 18 March 2025.  This now means that the Town Council has a fourth casual vacancy following the three other resignations in the past week. 

17/03/2025 10:11
Notice of Casual Vacancy

We can confirm that Brian Ellis (Harpenden South ward) has today, 17th March, resigned from his role as Town Councillor.  This now means that the Town Council has three casual vacancies and a Notice of Vacancy for each relevant ward has been published on our website and in Town noticeboards. 

13/03/2025 09:29
Notice of Casual Vacancies

We can confirm that Eileen Washington (Harpenden North ward) and Patrick Brosnan (Harpenden West ward) have today resigned from their roles as Town Councillors.  This now means that the Town Council has two casual vacancies and a Notice of Vacancy for each relevant ward has been published on our website and in Town noticeboards. 

29/01/2025 09:11
Harpenden On-Street Parking Charges

We are aware that St Albans City & District Council (SADC) has now taken a decision to implement charges to a large number of on-street parking bays across Harpenden Town Centre. The Town Council has previously set out its strong objection to the introduction of parking charges and continues to hold significant concerns regarding the impact that this will have on local businesses and the wider community.

29/11/2024 10:43
Banking Hub will open on 11th December

Harpenden Town Council has announced that the new Harpenden Banking Hub will open on 11th December 2024. This vital facility will initially open as an Interim Banking Hub at the Town Hall, on Leyton Road, while its permanent premises on the High Street is finalised. Banking Hubs are centrally located, convenient spaces with professional, face to face counter services provided by all the major high street banks. The Town Council lead the campaign

22/11/2024 14:46
Christmas Carnival CANCELLED

It is with much regret that we have had to take the decision to cancel the Harpenden Christmas Carnival due to take place this Sunday.  The Met Office has today issued new national severe weather warnings for the weekend which have a heightened impact on Harpenden. This includes higher gusts of wind which are now consistently forecast to be above the upper limits that allow us to erect farmers market stalls, music stages and fun fair rides.

08/11/2024 12:42
Banking Hub Update

Following our announcement in September that Harpenden has been allocated a Banking Hub, Harpenden Town Council is working with Cash Access UK, the organisation responsible for delivering banking hubs, to ensure the successful delivery of this vital community asset. As the local lead in delivering this facility, our priority is to ensure that the Banking Hub will be centrally located, accessible and open to individual and business customers as quickly as possible.

17/09/2024 20:08
Harpenden Town Council Celebrates Banking Hub Campaign Success

Harpenden Town Council is delighted to have received confirmation this morning that Harpenden has been allocated a Banking Hub. This announcement follows close to three years work by the Town Council to secure what will be a vital community asset.

22/08/2024 12:52
Harpenden Town Council Festive Light Scheme - Introduction of Poles to Town Greens

We have received a number of questions regarding the introduction of poles around Town Greens in Harpenden. This update aims to address those questions and provide important context.

12/08/2024 11:06
New Black Poles on Town Greens

Residents may have noticed that a number of black poles have been installed around some of the Town Greens in Harpenden. The new black poles are being installed as a result of changes to the way in which we are able to deliver our festive lights scheme.

02/08/2024 14:57
Festival celebrates the best of Food and Drink in Harpenden this September

Harpenden Town Council is excited to announce the return of the Harpenden Food and Drink Festival on Saturday 14th September, 12-6pm. This event has grown to become one of the Town’s most popular festivals, bringing a wonderful carnival atmosphere to picturesque Harpenden. The event showcases the very best of food and drink, including street food, outdoor bars, market stalls and entertainment to accompany a vibrant day. Thousands of people are expected to attend the Festival...