extraordinary Council meeting - 22 july

We are holding an Extraordinary Council meeting on Monday 22 July at 7.30pm in Park Hall.

The main item on the agenda for this meeting is the proposed changes to 'on-street' parking policies in Harpenden High Street. These proposals are being made by St Albans City & District Council (SADC).

Harpenden Town Council is a consultee on these changes and is not the decision maker. At this Extraordinary meeting the Town Council will be considering and agreeing it's position regarding the proposals. This position will be submitted to SADC as part of the consultation.

There is the opportunity for members of the public to speak at the Extraordinary Council meeting however there is a process to follow within our Standing Orders (the rules setting out how the Council operates). That process is set out below:

The Mayor will invite residents to raise questions or make observations at meeting subject to the following provisions: 

a. A question must address a specific Agenda item or be relevant to the activities, functions, powers or duties of the Council and in any case must be relevant to the delegated functions attributed to the meeting; 

b. The asking of a question shall last for no more than three minutes; 

c. A resident shall be allowed to speak on one occasion only at any meeting; or more at the discretion of the Chairman.

d. The total time allocated to public questions at any one meeting shall not exceed fifteen minutes; at the discretion of the Chairman. 

e. A resident, or person with significant interest in Harpenden, wishing to ask a question or make an observation at Council must notify the Town Clerk of his or her intention to do so by no later than midday on the working day preceding the meeting. In this context this is Friday 19 July. The email to use is carl.cheevers@harpenden.gov.uk The request should make it clear the topic that the individual wishes to speak on and set out further details on the questions/observations that wish to be made.

f. The Chairman’s ruling shall not be questioned; 

g. The use of audio and video recording equipment by members of the public shall not be allowed, without the consent of the Chairman. A request to use audio or video recording equipment at a meeting of the Council must be made to the Town Clerk by no later than midday two clear working days preceding the meeting. Following consideration by the Town Clerk and Chairman the requestor will be advised of the decision by midday on the day proceeding the day of the meeting.

We understand that SADC will be launching the public consultation which will set out the specific proposals on 18 July.

Extraordinary Council Meeting - 22 July 2024 Primary Featured Image


11/07/2024 12:49
Dementia Friendly Talk - new date

A new date for our free Dementia Friends talk by our Alzheimer’s Society Ambassador has just been announced: 14th October 2024. This event is suitable for anyone who would like to strengthen their knowledge of this condition and is an ideal opportunity to ask questions.

24/01/2024 09:02
Rare Chalk Stream in local Nature Reservve

Batford Springs Local Nature Reserve in Harpenden has long been a locally treasured green space but, with the development of an ambitious Management Plan, Harpenden Town Council is focused on maintaining and enhancing this outstanding area as a hugely important national asset.