statement regarding Rothamsted Park skatepark

Since acquiring Rothamsted Park in 2021, Harpenden Town Council (HTC) has made considerable improvements as part of its ambitious Management Plan. One project that HTC has been working on since taking ownership is the redevelopment of the skatepark. To date HTC has successfully secured planning permission for the project and our partners, local charity Playground Action Rothamsted Committee (PARC), has raised a healthy amount of external fundraising. 

When HTC started the project, the new Skatepark was expected to cost in the region of £250k with HTC committing £100k to that total from the offset. Whilst we have been progressing with the fundraising and securing planning permission, we have seen estimated project costs rise significantly. These increases reflect inflation and the additional measures required to deliver the planning conditions for the project. As a result the project, as was agreed, has a large budget gap and has become unviable.

On the 22 July 2024, our Council met to consider the next steps for the project and agreed to cease the current proposals to replace the existing skatepark with a modern concrete alternative. Whilst we are not continuing with the current redevelopment plans, in the next two months we will be exploring options for the refurbishment of the skatepark using the same materials as the existing facility.  

The Town Council has successfully partnered with PARC for a number of years and PARC’s hard work and dedication has made a considerable difference to the Town. At the heart of HTC’s Business Plan is a focus on improving the health and wellbeing of the community and it is hoped that future improvements will continue to benefit the wide-ranging demographic of Rothamsted Park visitors, including young people and their families.

Read the statement in full here.

Statement regarding Rothamsted Park Skatepark Primary Featured Image


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