Supporting local businesses

Harpenden Town Council has announced a survey for local business owners which it hopes will be the first step in developing a wider support offer to them. The survey will help the Town Council to understand the challenges and issues that local businesses are facing and allow them to develop a support offer that gets to the heart of what is needed.

Read our press release here.

Further information and a link to the survey is available here.


Supporting Harpenden's Businesses Primary Featured Image


11/07/2024 12:49
Dementia Friendly Talk - new date

A new date for our free Dementia Friends talk by our Alzheimer’s Society Ambassador has just been announced: 14th October 2024. This event is suitable for anyone who would like to strengthen their knowledge of this condition and is an ideal opportunity to ask questions.

24/01/2024 09:02
Rare Chalk Stream in local Nature Reservve

Batford Springs Local Nature Reserve in Harpenden has long been a locally treasured green space but, with the development of an ambitious Management Plan, Harpenden Town Council is focused on maintaining and enhancing this outstanding area as a hugely important national asset.